Saturday Morning Squad Stage Assignments
Squad 1 - Stage 1
Squad 2 - Stage 2
Squad 3 - Stage 3
Squad 4 - Stage 4
Squad 5 - Stage 5
Squad 6 - Stage 6
Squad 7 - Stage 7
Squad 8 - Stage 8
Squad 9 - Stage 9
Squad 10 - Stage 10
Squad 11 - Stage 11
Squad 13 - Stage 12
Friday will be early registration and allows Shooters the ability to conduct stage walk-thru. This will occur from 12pm to 5pm. Below you will see the parking area and Registration tent next to it. You will park here and then proceed to the registration tent to sign waivers. This is MANDATORY and you must complete this first before going anywhere else or doing any walk-thru. Be mindful that on Friday the ROs will be running through the competition themselves, therefore some of the stages may not be available at certain times as they finish and move on. They will be starting early, so by the time you arrive, they will be nearing the final stages.

Saturday and Sunday
The ranges you see below on the facility are numbered on permanent signs and there are also signs throughout along the road indicating how to get to the ranges, which will allow you to easily cross-reference where you are going based on your stage assignment.

You are not required to park in the specific parking lot of your stage, however, you required to park in one of the below parking lots. There is absolutely NO driving or parking on ranges. Below is just a reference for you to use when deciding where to park based on the layout of your day.